Thursday, January 21, 2010

unexpected lesson

I remember once walking with my mom and a sibling (don’t remember which one) in a big parking lot. I don't remember where we were going or even what state we were living in at the time. I do, however, remember a game we were playing. One of us would shout out an object (parking space, tree, etc) and the others would explain how that object is like life or the Gospel. You know, like an object lesson.

I hadn’t thought of that experience until I had an unexpected object lesson yesterday. I went rock climbing with the Young Women in my ward. It was a 4 story rock climbing wall that that you climb up then repel down. I strapped on my harness and started climbing without a second thought. I was not nervous. I knew that I could do it. I am strong, I have long legs (which comes in very handy), a sturdy grip, and decent balance. I climbed up that wall and rang the bell of victory at the very top. I then thought of my options to get down. Let go, let go – that’s what I kept telling myself. The rope will hold you. But I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t trust that rope. It scared me. I couldn’t get myself to push off the wall and repel down even though I have done it many times before. I knew that I could climb all the way down. I trusted myself to climb down. So that’s what I did. I started to climb my way down. As soon as I took one step down, I heard from below me, “No, Sister Martin, you are not supposed to climb down! Push off the wall!” I know, I thought, but it’s hard. It’s just easier to trust myself.

I did actually convince myself to trust the rope and repel down. And it was fun. Some girls climbed up the wall just so they could float down. Me, I had to talk myself into it.

I thought about this all day today, you know the object lesson part of it. I think trust comes easy to some. I am not one of them. I am not talking about trusting your best friend, or a random rope, I am talking about trusting His plan. I am the type to want control. If I know what is coming then I can handle it. I am strong and trust myself. If I see that big boulder in front of me then I can climb it but don’t ask me to let go and trust that a rope will eventually get me around it. So today I make a goal to trust my Maker’s rope more- His perfect, strong, comforting, all knowing rope. I will do my best to loosen my white knuckle grip and trust. Trust that I will be ok, that the future is bright and happy, and that His plan is a perfect plan. In fact it might even be fun.


Merrilee said...

It's a hard thing to realize that sometimes it just doesn't matter how hard you try and how badly you want something. I have been there many times. Giving your will to Him and trusting His plan for you will bring peace. I'm proud of your goal and your attitude. And by the way, that parking lot was in Montana, South Dakota, New York and Arizona. I miss that game.

Lacey said...

I don't remember that game, but it sounds like one I would like (loving symbols as I do).
You're such an example to me. I love you, big sis! Call me if you need to vent or talk about stuff. I'm here, and so is He.

Mamma Martin said...

Bryan is a lucky and blest man and a great judge of character!

Chelsee said...

That sounds like a great game, and it sounds like you have a great mom!

Chantz H. Davis said...

We actually just had a FHE on someone repelling. Very coincidental. Very good post!

Unknown said...

Love this.

and I think I'll start playing that game with my kids.
