Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Teacher Syndrome

Today I am suffering from 'first day teacher syndrome'.

-raspy voice and sore throat
-sore feet (apparently I am not in "teacher shape")
-lack of sleep
-marker markings all over my hands and pants (not sure how that got there!)

-suck it up for 179 more days

Only how many more years of this??


Merrilee said...

Oh babe, never count the years left, it's too painful. Just count down until the next vacation day. My first day Kindergarten teacher symptoms list includes: lunch on my shirt (not my lunch), tears on my shoulder (not my tears...well maybe a few) and Owen's pee on my lap...twice. There is a paycheck here somewhere. Often times, however, it does not involve money. Mom

Mamma Martin said...

Priceless comment Merrilee! The world need more teachers like you and Karen--hang in there--both of you!

Sarah said...

I second that!

Chantz H. Davis said...

Karen if you have a high school kid tinkle on your lap it is definitely time to quit! Thank goodness Owen was a kindergartener or maybe (I am hoping) the class pet!

Rebecca said...

Two weeks too late - but ditto. Add to that a nasty cold and you have my first week.