Sunday, March 21, 2010

By golly, it works!

Somewhere I heard that if you put a bar of soap in your bed it helps with crampy and restless legs. Yes, I thought the same thing you just did. "That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard."  Friday night I had the worst restless legs.  Friday night I was dreading going to bed cause I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. Friday night Bryan was out of town camping. So I tried it. No one was there to point and laugh at me. Friday night was the best night of sleep I have had in a long time. Was it all mental? Probably. Placebo effect? Probably. But hey, it worked. Next time I might have to take it out of the box though cause those corners are a little pointy...


Kates said...

LOL. That is awesome and good to know. I will be trying that the next time I have a case of the nervous legs!

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

That's awesome!! What kind of soap was it? Safeguard?

Mamma Martin said...

Whatever works!! Good for you!! Janis is miserable right now--I will pass this along.

Merrilee said...

Voodoo at it's best! I personally like Lever soap for all my ailments. I say put a bar in your back pocket so you can sit through church!

Rylee said...

i wish i had known this a few nights ago....i was miserable.

Tina said...

For real? I must know!!!