Tuesday, March 23, 2010

One of them days

Some days are hard for me. I feel under appreciated, overworked, underpaid, never listened to, stressed out…you get the picture. Yesterday I was having one of these days. By the end of the day it took just about everything I had to not walk myself up to the principle and tell him that I was done. Yes, done. Done with all crap that goes with being a teacher. I went home hoping that a good night sleep would make it better. Today didn’t start out good. 1st hour I went into another classroom and as I walked out a student said, ‘she looks mean’. Apparently my frustration was showing through. I asked for a sign. Any sign. Something that told me I was supposed to be there. That what I am doing is worth something.  That I wasn’t completely wasting my time. Well I got it. After lunch I went into my room and found this written on my board.


Someone sneaked in and wrote it. I was humbled. After lunch I saw signs all around me. I am lucky to be doing what I do. I hate how sometimes I forget just how lucky. I have the power to be an influence in 157 young teenage lives. Yeah, lucky.

p.s. Keep the signs coming.


Mamma Martin said...

I'm quite sure you ARE under appreciated, over worked, under paid, never listened to and stressed out but...we love you and are grateful for what you do!

Merrilee said...

It's sad that we let 10% of the punk students make us forget 90% of the awesome ones. Thank heavens for those who give us hope with a small sign of gratitude or good behavior. But remember that sometimes the sign might not come until years later from an old student who meets your daughter and tells her how great a teacher you were. That is sweet.

Chantz H. Davis said...

So this comment has nothing to do with teacher woes although I do sympathize with every teacher in america. This comment has to do with SOAP IN THE BED!!!!! Tried it, loved it! I lay in bed and constantly move my legs 100 times a minute or more. Last night I had had it; got up, got a bar of Zest and slept like a baby! Thanks Karen!