Monday, April 6, 2009

My first tag

This is the first time I have been tagged in the blogging world. How exciting!!

5 things I was doing 5 years ago:
1. dominating junior year at BYU
2. missing my family
3. interning at a local high school
4. breaking hearts (hehe)
5. searching for a husband (little did I know he was on his mission)

5 Things on my to do list today:
1. go to the gym
2. buy food
3. try not kill any students :)
4. review info about kidneys for lecture tomorrow
5. get to bed at a decent time (it's not looking so promising)

5 Things I would do with a million dollars:
1. buy a house
2. buy a truck
3. pay off multiple people's mortgage
4. go to Hawaii
5. quit my job

5 Places I have lived:
1. Provo, Utah
2. Rapid City, South Dakota
3. Ithaca, New York
4. Great Falls, Montana
5. Mesa, Arizona

5 Jobs I have held:
1. catering company
2. Mervyns cashier
3. BYU summer sports camps
4. high School athletic trainer
5. biology/anatomy teacher (aka crowd control)

5 things I want to be doing in 5 Years:
1. makin' babies
2. mowing a lawn that is my very own
3. running marathons
4. loving life
5. going to Hawaii...again

5 people I tag:
I am skipping that one, is that allowed? How about I just tag my sis Lacey 5 times!


Lacey said...

hahaha!! Thanks! I'll write mine up and post it later!
You're the best older sister ever!
School is almost over! You can do it!

Lacey said...

You want a truck???? Or Brian wants a truck?
Didn't we live in Dryden, NY? (Like I remember correctly--I was five. I told my bus driver I was from New York for crying out loud!)
Sorry to post again, but I forgot these questions when I posted the first time.