Thursday, June 4, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things

Maybe it's my new found free time. It could be my need for people to listen to me (I have suddenly lost 150 captive teenagers that listened to me all day). Or perhaps it's just the fact that my husband is busy watching the NBA finals. Whatever it is I am on a blogging role! Even if no one reads I find it therapeutic, in fact enjoyable to sit and write a post. Here we go again.

Here are a few of my favorite things. I hope you enjoy because I definitely do!

I have white kitchen and bathroom counters. I would like to meet the genius that came up with that brilliant idea. These wipes are so quick and easy to use. For 20 minutes a day my counters look clean! A little on the pricey side but some things are worth it.

If you live in the valley and haven't discovered this place you are missing out. Fresh cheap produce. Supersition Ranch Market. Main, east of Greenfield. Drop everything and go now. It will be crowded (mostly with old people) but it will be cheap. Take your spouse, have him stand at the end of the isle so you can sneak in between people and throw a cantalope to him...its a great system we have figured out! This is the place that causes us to have salad, corn on the cob, and watermelon for dinner. What? We like fiber.

These things are to die for. All the goodness of a granola bar with a bonus of chocolate all around it. Yum. My only wish is that they would sell these at Sams Club!

I have recently discovered that I do not enjoy online classes. I think they stink (I would have said 'suck' but my mom would be mad:) I am impressed that people can take their whole education online. For me there are too many distractions. For some reason I keep getting up and wandering. To the fridge, to my phone, to the remote, and to any other place for no good reason. Yuck. I miss lectures. I know I am weird but I love sitting and soaking up a good lecture. There is nothing like a professor who really cares about the topic and shows it. I could sit for hours. In fact last year on my prep I would go listen to an amazing fellow science teacher on the days when he would lecture. For 50 minutes a day I was a student and not the teacher. I loved every minute of it. Weird I know.

So, no raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens for me. Nope, my favorite things are granola bars, crowded produce stores, school, and clorox wipes! I just don't think that would make as good of a song.


Sarah said...

HEY!!! I love those things too... well except lectures!!! and the chocolate!!! I love that farmers market. We always went there when we lived there!

Merrilee said...

If you really needed me to, I could put those favorite things in a song for you. But... that would only create another distraction.

Chelsee said...

We might be the same person!But who doesn't like a clean kitchen, chocolate and a good farmers market!

Rylee said...

I am obsessed with clorox wipes!

camirobson said...

Hey I am using the wipes right now as we speak. (well not this very moment, since I am reading your blog). I have been wanting to go to that farmers market forever too. I have been putting off grocery shopping for the past week.....maybe I'll go tomorrow. :)