Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Purse or no purse

I have never been a purse person. I don’t know why. I think I bought a purse once and maybe used it twice in junior high. I think it’s time to become a purse wearing girl. I told Bryan this the other day and his response was, “why?” I explained. The other day I was running some errands. Here’s what I had in my pockets (you know, because I don’t have a purse)

- phone

- driver’s license

- keys

- debit card

- check book

- social security card

- teacher ID card

- a pen

- a few sticks of gum

- a few bucks in cash

- some change for a parking meter

-a list of things that I needed to get done on my outing

How did my pants not fall down?? So I am going to do it. I have been psyching myself up for over a month now. I am going to get a purse. Why am I so insecure? I can’t get a little one because then I get the ‘big girl with a little purse’ syndrome (is there such a thing?). It can’t be too big because then I get the ‘trying too hard and it’s obnoxious’ syndrome. AHH! So if you ever see me with a purse please don’t point and laugh. In fact, don’t even look at it…or me…because odds are that I am totally embarrassed to be carrying one around. Why? I don’t know.

In other news…

- We are all set to close on our house on July 7th!! Woohoo.

- I am still waiting for MRI results to see if my shoulder requires surgery or just massive physical therapy.


{Steve and Amanda} said...

I'm the same way when it comes to bracelets, necklaces and headbands. I'm not the kind of girl that wears jewelry or accessories and when I do I feel awkward and that everyone is looking at me funny. I feel awkward because I know that it is totally not like me. But I've realized that people don't even notice. (yet I don't accessorize :)
I think you should go for a subtle, black purse with small straps. With smaller straps your arm will hide the purse more. (whatever you want of course)

Mamma Martin said...

No advice on the purse thing--I never did find one I really liked!! I didn't know you were still having trouble with your shoulder!! Darn! We need to talk more. Thanks for the update!!

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

I'm with my mom, I feel like beating you up for not knowing you shoulder was still jacked. Remember when we all left Eagar last time and I joked that I should hug you guys too cuz we see you just as much as the Querquies? IT'S TRUE!! So let's hang out. Perhaps we should go to the mall and get you a purse??!

Chelsee said...

I buy purses and then I never use them. That all changes when you have kids and you have to pack half the house just so you can make it to the grocery store and back. Go small while you can :)

Sarah said...

I love our name... the Querquies... ha... So, Karen- we are a lot a like... I hate purses, and the only reason I got one is because things did start falling out of my pockets... not good! I am sure someone is walking around with my id somewhere! I am sorry about your shoulder!!! I hope it gets better soon!

Merrilee said...

I personally like the bulging cargo pocket look for you. But it seems it is time for you to bite the bullet. Maybe a tomboy purse/backpack combo would ease you into the world of girly. It's a good transition to the diaper bag/purse that is sure to come next. You are growing up so nicely...except for your shoulder, of course.

Chantz H. Davis said...

I say if it doesn't fit in your pocket you don't need it. I am not a purse girl either - i actually like purses, I think they are cute but I never use one. As long as you have your debit card and drivers license what else does a girl need?

Rebecca said...

Purses are a pain. But pockets are worse. My problem has always been I am so absent minded I always put it down somewhere and forget to pick it back up. But congratulations on the house! And sorry about your shoulder..I actually literally feel your pain in this case. My knee is still not getting over it - the longer it takes, the more impatient I get.

Kates said...

This post cracked me up! I think you will look great with a purse. I love purses, if I had a bunch of money I would have one for each outfit! I hope your shoulder gets better. If you want to come to queen creek Tom would love to have you for a patient! :)