Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mall Confusion

On the recommendation of some friends, Bryan and I went to get a cookies and creme shake from Chick fil a yesterday (not bad by the way). The nearest one to our house was in the mall. So last night we found ourselves together at the mall. I think the last time this happened we were engaged and looking for a ring for Bryan. We decided that we could handle 1 store only because they looked like they had some good sales. So in we went. Little did I know that it would be such an educational experience.

We passed an article of clothing that looked like this.
Here's the conversation that followed.
B: Do I dare ask what that is? (thinking it was a dress) How can that cover 2 things at once?
K: It's a shirt. If you can call it that. Some people think that it's a shirt.
B: Oh, I was thinking that the girl would have to be in the fetal position in order for everything to be covered up.

Funny. But it's not over yet. We then passed an article of clothing that looked something like this.
Here's the conversation that followed.
B: (Thinking it was just a skirt) How tall do they think girls are? Like 8 feet tall?
K: What do you mean?
B: Look at how long these skirts are.
K: Those aren't skirts, silly, they are dresses. See? (holding it up to my body)
B: Oh.

At first I was laughing at the poor confused boy but then I realized that in today's immodest styles shirts do look like dresses and dresses do look like skirts. Yikes. I must say that I have dress coded many chickas at school while saying, "Honey, I am pretty sure your outfit is supposed to be a shirt and you are wearing it as a dress. Go to the front office because you are not allowed to sit down in my room...it's dangerous."


Merrilee said...

I love that boy!

Mamma Martin said...

So do I!!

Chelsee said...

Me too:)

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

Hahahaha. He's alright I guess. The fetal possition one is my favorite.

camirobson said...

Haha! I laughed right out loud when I read this post because I could totally see him say that. I loved the long skirt comment. I think Randy would say the same thing. Thaks for your help with the blog yesterday. I posted a new one today with pictures and it worked! Go me!