Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bumper Stickers

So in my mundane life of driving to and from work I have discovered a fun game. I look at bumper stickers. I have actually found myself changing lanes just so that I can read a bumper sticker. It helps the time go by faster. Here are a few of my favorites so far.

Hey, me too!

This one made me laugh right out loud. Whatever works to make people more aware ta cancer.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

This was on a jeep. Upside down of course. Very clever.

I actually have this magnet at school. I love it. No need to sugar coat it for the little high school darlings.

People are very creative I must say. Keep the stickers coming!


camirobson said...

Love the Ta-tas one! I would have laughed right out loud too. When are we going to get together? I'll make a cake for your b-day that we still need to celebrate.

Chantz H. Davis said...

Again - you should write for a newspaper.