Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Happy Dance

Before yesterday, the last time I did the real, true, genuine ‘happy dance’ was in high school. I bet you have a happy dance too. Let me explain.

One day I came home from high school to find my mom practically in tears. My little brother accidentally threw his retainer away in the cafeteria at lunch. My parents, not being in a situation to pay hundreds of dollars for a new one, were obviously upset. My mom asked us (the kids) if we would come help her look for it. We did. Yes, I jumped in the elementary school dumpster and we went through the trash, one bag at a time. I still can tell you exactly what was served for lunch and I can tell you that most students do not eat their food! After many bags I found it (I still brag about how I was the one to find it). That day the Kupfers did the true ‘happy dance’ in the elementary school parking lot.

Fast forward 8 years. Bryan lost his wedding ring. Gone. For over a month. We searched everywhere, and I mean everywhere. We looked in every closet, drawer, car, bucket of paint, trash (I was so sure that I would find it cause I have experience finding things in trashes :). It made me sick that it was gone yet we knew that it was somewhere in the house. We got desperate. We moved all the appliances. Bryan tipped the fridge up and I crawled under to see if it was magnetized onto the bottom. I gave up hope. Bryan refused.

Yesterday I got a picture text from Bryan. It was a picture of his ring. He found it. Right then and there I did the true, genuine ‘happy dance’. Yep, there I was in the science office at school between 2nd and 3rd hour with students passing by doing the ‘happy dance’.

The ring was in a place where it never should have been found. Sometimes miracles happen. Sometimes happy dances just need to be danced.

Here was the location of the ring. FYI, if you lie on your kitchen floor you will notice a small gap between the floorboard and the bottom of the cabinets. The space is so small that your hand cannot fit through but apparently a ring can. I guess inspiration led Bryan to pull of the wood covering, saw a hole in the floorboard, and reach his hand in to see if his ring was in there. We think that the ring fell off the counter and bounced at a perfect height and angle to be able to fit in the little crack and get back there. What are the odds??


Chantz H. Davis said...

Ok, that might be the most incredible story ever!!!
And the searching through the trash for your mom/dad/brother, honestly I teared up! That's what families do! And the happy dance was most definitely appropriate! Rock on Kupfer's!

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

i love it! I'm so glad you guys found it. My favorite is that you got so desperate you even started thinking of things like it might be magnetized to the bottom of the fridge!! Now that is lost!! The only thing missing here is a video of you doing the dance. It's necessary, admit it. :)

Chantz H. Davis said...

The incredible story I referred to was the ring... lost and found. The retainer story was a heartwarmer! I didn't want you to think I 'skipped' over the ring story. AMAZING!

Markee said...

I'm glad you guys found it, but I agree with Ash... a video of the Karen happy dance asap!! ;)

Mamma Martin said...

Something like the "Boys Next Door" happy dance?? Nothing better than a happy dance!! I'm with the rest, though--gotta see it!! Sooo grateful he found his ring!!! And I didn't forget the retainer--great story--great family memories!! Kupfer's do rock!!

Merrilee said...

I am afraid Karen's young memory is not portraiting the full intensity and emotion of the experience. I wasn't about to cry, I had been crying for several hours! Her dad had gone back to school, had a low paying job on the side, son on a mission, four other children at home, mother unemployed etc etc. A replacement retainer was out of the question. Some nights even dinner was out of the question! Dumpster diving was a long shot, but the only thing we had control over. I can still remember Karen holding that bright green retainer high in the air and celebrating her victory. We all danced and hugged and ignored the crusty peanut butter on our feet, milk streaks on our arms and Ketsup remains on our rubber gloved hands. I would imagine the ring finding dance was just as impressive! You go girl.

Kates said...

I am so glad your mom had you put on rubber gloves! What a great story....both of them. I can't believe you found that wedding ring....really is amazing!

camirobson said...

What a random spot to find the ring. Glad he found it. I wish I could have seen that happy dance. Great job dumpster diving too! I had to do that once for a friend in grade school but luckily it was only a trash can. Did I ever tell you the time my dad flushed my retainers down the toilet in HS? Funny mom was not happy!

Tina said...

This comment is a little late, because we've been gone, but I must share a story. We had a girl from the single's ward living with us for a few weeks prior to her wedding. Had to be out of the dorm, etc. you get the picture. She came upstairs in tears one morning because she had dropped her engagement ring and COULD NOT find it. It had done the same thing. Hit the floor and bounced over the baseboard. I about ruined the flooring trying to pry the board out, but we recovered it. I don't think she did the happy dance, but she certainly was happy.

I love reading your blog. I feel like I'm getting to know you and your family. It's just great!!! Oh happy day on the retainer story.

Chelsee said...

Two truly great stories! Bryan is a lucky guy...I hope you remind him every once and a while! ;)