Sunday, October 11, 2009

Evidences of a needed break

Thanks to the Mesa School Board I get this next week off of teaching (October Break). I am so excited. I really need it; here's some evidence.

We bought an armoir off of Craigslist on Monday night. I didn't get to see it in the daylight (cause I haven't been home when there's daylight) until Saturday morning. Thankfully I still like it natural lighting.

On Thursday night I fell asleep in my school clothes with my contacts in. Friday morning I woke up late, my contacts felt like pieces of sand paper glued into my eyes, and I had a parent teacher conference that I was already late for. I really hope that parent didn't notice the pillow lines that were still on my face.

The other day as I was pulling the trash barrel off of the curb my neighbor came out of his house and told me that they thought we moved out because we are never home. I just forced a smile and said, "Nope, we just go to work early and come home late."

Yesterday morning I got into my car only to have it smell like rotting fruit. After some investigating I figured that it probably had something to do with the cantaloupe in my trunk that I had bought and forgot about a few days earlier. Oops.

Yesterday the first ever bubble bath was taken at our house. Sadly it was not me soakin' in the tub but our bathroom blinds (cleaning). I was so jealous.

I say that's some pretty good evidence of a needed break. I am looking forward to this week. Don't you just love little vacations?


Chantz H. Davis said...

I love your amoire (sp). I wish I could take advantage of Craigs List. My girls love it! Good find! Enjoy your vacation. What are your plans? I hope they include a bubble bath!

Kates said...

You do need a break...and I am sorry I called you about doing athletic training stuff the other week! My bad! Just tell me to back off!

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

I think you should install a tv on the wall right above the tub and you should spend all week soaking in the bath watching tv. That's what I'd do.

Mamma Martin said...

The week is almost over--have you had your bubble bath yet?? I hope so!!