I have been suffering from RLS for years. It’s brutal. I even had myself diagnosed with restless leg syndrome years before the commercials came out on TV that educated everyone. Who new that the uncontrollable urge to move one's legs could almost send them into insanity!
My symptoms usually come at night so I very reluctantly go to movies or concerts at night because I know that it could very easily turn into a night of torture. Late night 3 and a half hour trips to Eagar are pretty much vetoed from now on. Once I had to practically bite someone’s head off because he told me it was “all mental” as I was pacing during a movie (don’t worry that was the last time I went on a date with him).
I guess I am so used to it that I don’t realize the things I do to make my legs feel better. The other night as we were trying to go to sleep
I am about at the end of my patience. I have done lots of research and have tried everything other than prescription drugs. Magnesium supplements don’t help, iron doesn’t help, B complex doesn’t help (although it does turn your potty cool colors), and potassium supplements don't help. The only thing that helps is movement. Anyone have any advice? If not I am resorting to drugs. And lots of them.