Friday, September 25, 2009

To my advantage

People always talk about how different boys and girls are. I don’t think that one can really understand this concept until they are married. I am a girl. I am married to a boy. A 100% boy. He thinks like a boy, acts like a boy, smells like a boy, likes to do boy stuff, and has lots of boy stuff (which thankfully is now located in our garage). How is a girl supposed to deal with all of this ‘boyness’? I figured it out. Use it. That’s right. Use it to your advantage. This is no secret at our house. Let me give you some examples.

Bryan has tons of wire in our garage. Long pieces and short pieces. I never touch it. However, I know that Bryan likes to work with that pokey, hard to bend stuff so I take advantage.

In every room in our house there is at least one thing hung on the wall that is rigged up with copper wire. Yep, I just tell him where I want it and the next thing I know there is some hanger looking thing on the back that can easily be attached to the wall.

FYI- Wire makes a good hook that fits up the hoses in the vacuum when it gets clogged. Also, it can make a belt if your pants are falling off. (both have been done at our house)

Football. Ug. I can watch a good football game every now and then but not all day on Saturday. There is a boy I know that loves to do this. Coincidentally, the laundry usually needs to be folded about that time. Nothing wrong with a little laundry during the commercials. Taking advantage? You becha.

Bryan works with a computer program a lot called AutoCAD. He has made blueprints, mapped out a street for his surveying class, etc. with this program that he can’t stop ranting about. He is pretty good at it. Last night he was working on this program making me a border to go around a young women’s handout! I couldn’t find what I was looking for in any clipart so he made one. I was cracking up! There he was in this complicated program making a dainty little border for his wife. His buddies would totally make fun of him for that one if they ever found out!

There is someone at my house that LOVES his saw. This fact screams out, “give me something to make with my saw!” Even as I type this I can hear the saw going on the back porch. Later tonight I will have an empty closet converted into a food storage closet, shelves and all. I think I love that saw too!

I could give tons of other examples. In the end I am pretty sure that I like all the ‘boyness’. It keeps things interesting around here. And it turns out to be very helpful if you work it right.


Chelsee said...

Folding laundry during football, you are good!

Merrilee said...

I love that boy. It sounds like you are keeping him entertained and feeling useful all at the same time. Such a talent on your part. If you figure out how to use the boy smell to your advantage let me know.

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

Hahaha I don't think that boy smell will ever be an advantage to anyone! I think that's awesome that he's working like a busy little bee making things to help your life be easier!! You go girl! P.S. My security word that it's making me type is 'brylan'. That could be a cute name for one of your kids some day!

Chantz H. Davis said...

So.... YOU SHOULD WRITE FOR A NEWSPAPER! Has anyone told you that before?
Bryan is amazing! We knew that when he was a little boy though. We could have saved you some time figuring it out! JK!
Smart, cute, nice, talented and good taste in girls/wives!

Mamma Martin said...

Amen to all of the above!! I thank Heavenly Father every day for my children and who they married!!! And I'm grateful for all the things their Dad taught them. I think all I can take credit for is spotting a yard sale sign!! And copper wire is the greatest!! My security word is "spechies". Sounds like something or someone you might be teaching!!

Kates said...

You are a good wife and sounds like Bryan is a pretty stinking good hubby!

Tina said...

I LOVE ready your blog. So fun! You are a great writer. My word is tableren - hmmm---is that a chicken you place on your table as a center piece, or what?????